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These books donated by Books 4 PNG Kids will inspire future leaders in PNG, according to Rai Manu, who organised their recent delivery to three schools in Rigo District, Central Province.

Dubanateboa SDA Elementary School (77 pupils), Inuma SDA Elementary (32 pupils) and Alepa Girabumagana Primary School (238 pupils) in Rigo-East LLG received a total of 30 cartons of books donated and shipped to Port Moresby by Books 4 PNG Kids last year.

Rai, who is a PhD student in Taiwan, requested and organised the delivery of the books via PMV from Port Moresby to the schools, two-and-a-half hours along the Magi Highway southeast of Port Moresby.

He says the generous donation of 10 cartons of reading books to each school has brought immense joy and excitement.

The books are now a treasured resource for young learners and will go a long way in transforming the school libraries into centres of learning and imagination, he says.

“By nurturing a love for reading, these books will help students develop academically and inspire them to reach their fullest potential as future leaders in their homes, schools, churches, communities, and the broader society of our nation,” he says.

“It is an investment in the future of our children and a meaningful step towards equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to lead fulfilling lives.

“I would also like to acknowledge and thank your partners in Port Moresby, whose collaboration ensured the safe delivery of these books to the schools that requested them. Their efforts, combined with your generosity, have made this initiative a success.”

Our thanks to Helen Bua and DJAG colleagues, and Fintan Lalor and the Oilmin team for their logistical support in Port Moresby.

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